Carl Johnson

Carl Johnson price / CJ

$0.0₅3806 67.59%

CJ/USD Calculator:

Market Cap: $1,601,267
Volume (24h): $108,871
Total Supply: 420,690,000,000
DEX Liquidity: $193,791
Blockchain Explorer:

About CJ

Yo, it's your boy Carl Johnson, CJ for short, just kickin' it with my Grove Street fam holding it down. What's the move? Dropping my own multi-billion $$ mega-meme coin on Base, you feel me? $CJ is a memecoin inspired and named after Carl CJ Johnson, a character in the Grand Theft Auto series, appearing as the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Where Can I Buy CJ?

Ledger Nano S Plus
Ledger Nano S Plus
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